Einstieg (’Entry’)

New immigrants on the direct route to the job market
You are new in Germany and your application for asylum has been approved?
Your next goal is your professional integration in Germany?
Then it’s time for a really good start!
You need an experienced guide who will help you with that.
We are guides with 15 years of experience in the field of the professional integration of immigrants.
Our offer
You come for 5 weeks every workday for 4 hours to us (either in the morning or in the afternoon).
You will learn about your rights and responsibilities as a client of the JobCenter.
You will learn how to work and live in Germany.
Together, we will determine your potential, develop your goals on the german job market and the ways to achieve them.
We will help you recognize your professional qualifications.
We will create your personal plan how to achieve your goals in the best way possible.
These 5 weeks will save you a lot of time and hassle. Our experience proves that!
This service is free of charge.
You do not need any knowledge of German!
We speak your language and understand your culture.
You will feel comfortable with us.